Sunday, April 5, 2009

Twilight By Stephanie Meyer (book one of Twilight series)

Poor Bella. Her mom’s remarrying, and she decides to move from sunny Phoenix to stay with her dad in rainy Forks. The first part of the book focuses on building Bella’s character (boring and whiny) and it isn’t until Bella lays eyes on Edward that the narrative starts getting interesting. Soon her inner dialogue changes from just complaining about the rain and the fact that she is klutzy to lamenting about her unrequited love for Edward. Eventually they start hanging out, and fall in love, and despite all of the clues of his undead status, it takes her forever to realize he’s a vampire.

Although I spent almost the entire book groaning and rolling my eyes, if anyone tried to take the book away from me when I was reading it I probably would have bit them. It’s totally engrossing, despite of – or maybe because of its ridiculousness. Bella is the perfect empty vessel for any voyeur craving a little bit of drama and adventure. Her lack of personality lets the reader take her place in the strong (cold!) arms of Edward: part protector, part stalker. A must read unless you desire to be completely out of touch with pop culture, but be warned: your inner feminist is going to kick your conscience if you like it.

3 stars
544 pages

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