Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Yuckiest Site on the Internet

C2000 Discovery Communication Inc.

Goggly-eyed Wendall the worm reporter is your guide to all things yucky—gross human body functions, cockroaches, and worms. An interactive user face, animated decals, flash-based games, and videos make this site the source of at least a few hours of exploratory gross-out fun. Best: “gross and cool body” area where you can pick a “gross” body function or system and find out more through lively written questions and answers, and the ‘day in the life’ diary by Ralph the Roach which chronicles the highs and lows of a lonely kitchen cockroach. Unfortunately however, the site seems to have been neglected by Discovery Communication Inc., as many links prompt only the 404 screen, and the ‘Ask Wendall’ inbox is perpetually full. Recommended for children 7-9 years old. **1/2

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